No of Sets in 2023 / 2024: 3, No of Periods per Week: 5
Department Staff: Ms. G Mullane, Ms Hennessy & Mr. H. Jones
Brief Summary of Course Content (New course in 2025)
Biology is a fascinating, popular and useful subject. In St. Columba’s we aim to enthuse, inform and raise awareness about all aspects of the living world – and about the functioning of our own bodies. In so doing we also aim to prepare pupils for their certificate exams to as high a level as possible, and to prepare them for their roles as decision-making, responsible and interested members of society.
The new course is divided into four strands. The Nature of Science (i.e. the scientific process) is referred to as the unifying strand as it is common with the new LC chemistry and physics courses. Strand 1 is the 'Organisation of Life' and includes topics like the origins of life, classification, cells and the chemicals that are found in all living things. Strand 2 is the 'Structures & Processes of Life' looks at the processes and chemical reactions that take place in living things, including photosynthesis, respiration and protein synthesis. It also looks at wider topics like response in living things, breathing, circulation, digestion and how living things reproduce. Strand 3 is called the 'Interactions of Life' and explores ecosystems, the world of microbes and new technologies revolutionising biology. While the course is new, many of the same topics remain but are explored in different depth.
Biology in Practice Investigation
One major change in the new course is the introduction of a 'Biology in Practice' investigation - an investigative experiment that is carried out during Form VI. You will design and complete an experiment, which needs to fit with a brief issues by the Department of Education, write a report and submit it with your exam. The project accounts for 40% of your total mark, meaning the final exam is only worth 60%.
We are very lucky at St. Columba's to have some of the finest school laboratories in the country and are confident those studying any of the sciences will have all they need to obtain high marks in these investigations.
Comparison of Results with National Figures
Biology is continually the most popular of the non-compulsory subjects at Leaving Certificate in SCC, and all pupils are prepared initially for the Higher Level examination. Last year, 100% of people sat the exam at Higher Level with 28 % of all candidates achieved a H1 (16% nationally), 26% achieved a H2 (14% nationally) and 20% achieved a H3 (12% nationally).
Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful / Essential
Biology is a broad subject and pupils will find it particularly useful no matter what area of study is pursued at higher education. Biology is useful for any course of study especially in the area of science, engineering or medicine:
- Research / Laboratory Work
- Further Education
- Teaching
- Zoology
- Environmental Careers
- Medical / Drug Research
- Microbiologist
- Veterinary Medicine
- Doctors / Nurse
- Much more.......