No of Sets in 2023 / 2024: 4.   Number of Periods per Week: 5

Department Staff: Mr. J. Girdham, Mr. L. Canning, Mr E. Jameson, Mr K. Kirwan, Mr R. Pattison.

Brief Summary of Course Content

The nature of this course will change from September 2026, but all the material below applies to Fifth Formers starting in September 2025.

English is a compulsory subject at Leaving Certificate in St Columba's. There are two papers in the terminal exam - Paper I (Language, 2 hours 50 minutes) includes a major composition (100 marks), a comprehension section (50) and a short set composition task (50). Paper II (Literature, 3 hours 20 minutes) has three sections:- The Single Text (60, almost always a Shakespeare tragedy such as Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Othello); The Comparative Mode (70, an essay comparing three texts - in the current Fifth Form, The Crucible, Small Things Like These and Purple Hibiscus); Poetry (50 - answer on one of eight set Higher Level poets, and 20 - an unseen poem).

The literature texts are almost completely covered in Fifth Form, apart from some poems. In Sixth Form these texts are revised in considerably more detail. Language work continues throughout Fifth and Fourth Forms

The sets are divided largely at random, with a rough mixtures of abilities. Each set is taught by the same teacher for two years, with some swopping between teachers during the revision period before the final exam.

Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful/ Essential

English is an essential subject in almost all professions. There are many careers which stem directly from studying English in third level. Career opportunities are abundant to an individual with a degree in English because skills gained from this area of study can be easily applied to many career areas. Individuals possessing the ability to think clearly and critically, to analyse and interpret data, and communicate results are in great demand by employers, and those who study English end up in a wide variety of careers not directly tied to the subject.