No of Sets in 2023 / 2024: 1 No of Periods per Week: 5

Department Staff: Caroline Duggan

Brief Summary of Course Content

The Leaving Cert Music course is divided into THREE sections - Performance, Listening and Composition.

The Performance counts for 50% of the overall mark and takes place in March/ April. It is possible to perform a recital of six pieces/songs  which counts for the full 50%. Alternatively each student may perform  four pieces or songs on their instrument or voice, and these account for 25%. We also do the Music Technology option, also 25%,  which involves knowing your way around Muse Score, a free music technology site and very accessible.  Technology, together with four performing pieces counts for 50%.   Performance is an integral part of music making, both for enjoyment, and academic success. There are many opportunities for performance in the College with informal soirees and larger concerts held at regular intervals throughout the term.

The Listening Section consists of the study of FOUR Set Works, which for next year will be Course A with music by Bach,, Tchaikovsky, Barry and Queen. There is also an Irish Listening Section and an essay on Irish Music History. The Listening Section comprises 25% of the final examination result.  

The Composition Section consists of composing  a melody and completing a harmony question, both of which are quite straightforward and the Composition Section comprises 25% of the final examination mark.

This course is very suitable and enjoyable for anyone who likes music and who has reached a reasonable standard of performance in their instrument. It is a chance for these students to reach a high standard of musicianship, and to score highly in this subject.

Comparison of Results with National Figures

Our results have been extremely high in recent years; in 2023, 100% of our students scored a H1 or H2 at Higher Level. National figures show 61% scoring H1 or H2s.

Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful/ Essential

A degree in Music can lead to a career in Performance, Teaching, and other music associated areas such as Arts Administration. Music can also be taken as a module subject in a General Arts Degree.