No of Sets in 2024 / 2025: 1 No of Periods per Week: 2

Department Staff: Mr Ian O'Herlihy, Ms L Carey

Brief Summary of Course Content

Accounting is a subject that suits the organised, methodical person who likes definite answers.

Students of accounting will be able to see and understand published company accounts, make comparisons of performance between companies, be able to take care of the basic accounting needs of a small business, club, farm or service firm (cash flows, final accounts, budgeting etc.), study the production of information needed for management decision making etc.

There are no prerequisites for the study of accounting - just an interest in working with figures.

Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful / Essential

Students who are considering a career in accountancy or business management are recommended to study accounting, as it is a good indicator of suitability. It also forms a good basis for the accounting element of many business courses at 3rd level.