No of Sets in 2024 / 2025: 1 No of Periods per Week: 2

Department Staff: Mr. B. Redmond

Brief Summary of Course Content

The course is based on the Leaving Certificate syllabus which comprises three fundamental areas of study:

● Plane and Descriptive Geometry

● Communication of Design and Computer Graphics

● Applied Graphics.

The core areas of study (Part One) comprise Plane and Descriptive Geometry and Communication of Design and Computer Graphics. Plane and Descriptive Geometry provides students with knowledge of essential graphic principles while Communication of Design and Computer Graphics introduces students to the use of graphics in a wide variety of design situations. It also encourages the development of the critical skills of design analysis and creative problem solving through the exploration of a variety of design problems and situations.

The optional areas of study (Part Two) are offered within Applied Graphics where students are introduced to graphic applications in the fields of engineering, science and the human environment. These optional areas of study are:

● Dynamic Mechanisms

● Structural Forms

● Assemblies

● Geologic Geometry

● Surface Geometry

Students are required to study the core and two optional areas within Applied Graphics. Essentially, Design & Communication Graphics comprises computer aided design (CAD), freehand drawing and designing objects.

The course is of one year duration and is aimed at pupils interested in this area. It is not a Leaving Certificate examination course. 

Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful / Essential

The course is of general use in everyday life but directly related to careers in architecture, engineering, landscaping and all construction trades as well as design & manufacture careers.