No of Sets in 2024 / 2025: 1 No of Periods per Week: 2

Department Staff: Mr. H Havenga

Brief Summary of Course Content

Physical Education (PE) at St. Columba’s College aims to educate young people in and through the use of the body and its movements. It aims to develop physical competence so that pupils are able to move efficiently and safely and understand what they are doing. Developed in accordance with the Leaving Certificate Physical Education Curriculum,St.Columba’s seeks to advance the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child through an appropriate range of physical activities delivered through a spectrum of teaching styles. In Q – Set, Physical Education takes place during a double lesson each week and is mainly practically based with occasional classroom lessons on theoretical aspects such as health related fitness and drugs in sport. A wide variety of sports are covered in practical lessons incorporating all areas of activity including:

● Invasion, Net & Fielding Games

● Aquatics

● Athletics

Full use is made of the school’s excellent facilities, which include a large sports hall, 4 full size grass playing fields, two full size synthetic playing fields, 6 tennis courts, grass tennis court a weights room, 15 metre outdoor pool and dance studio.

Possible Career Areas for which this Subject is Useful / Essential

Physical Education can provide opportunities and resources for a range of careers including but not exclusively:

● Professional Sports

● Gym Instructor

● Sports Coach

● Physiotherapy

● Medicine

● Dietician

● Sports Management