No of Sets in 2024/2025: 2  No of Periods per Week: 2

Department Staff: Ms. Derarca Cullen & Ms. Lynn Murphy.


Visual Studies must be selected at Q-Set by individuals choosing Art as one of their elective subjects as it contributes to 30% of the overall mark for in Leaving Certificate Art. It is also available to pupils to study as a non examination subject. 

Brief Summary of Course Content

Visual Studies requires pupils to choose one area of focus to study from three sections. These sections are

  •  ‘Europe and the Wider World’
  • ‘Ireland and its place in the Wider World’
  • ‘Today’s World’

Visual Studies accounts for 30% of the overall mark for Art.

Pupils will experience key skills such as information processing, communicating, being personally effective, working with others, and critical and creative thinking embedded in their learning.

This subject is examined during the month of June of Form VI and it is 2.5 hours in duration.