
This course looks at using graphics as a way of communication and basis for designing. It aims to give a greater understanding of our graphic communications and the importance of such in our world. Pupils who may wish to take this subject for Leaving Certificate and who have not studied Graphics for Junior Certificate can get a feel for the subject and catch up on the main concepts missed.

Course Content:

These skills developed in this course include graphic communication, creative problem solving, spatial abilities / visualisation, design capabilities. The creative and decision-making capabilities of students are developed within the activities associated with design. It is intended to develop the creative thinking and problem solving abilities of students through project work. The course looks at :

  • Draftsmanship, free hand drawing, pictorial drawing, perspective, rendered drawing

  • Standards and conventions

  • Descriptive geometry

  • Drawn project

  • Introduction to computer aided design.

Teaching & Learning:

This course is taught with pupils carrying out a number of research and investigation based projects. Drawing and designing are very much part of the activities. The teaching strategies include problem solving and investigation. Design and graphic techniques are learnt to convey ideas onto paper.


The pupils sit a written exam at the end of Michaelmas and Trinity terms. There are a number of projects to be completed and these form part of the overall grade at the end of the terms.